Next to the road to Teruel Orihuela (A-1512 km. 44) passing through Tramacastilla, the Hermitage St. Mary Magdalene is a baroque building of the seventeenth century and attractive appearance both day and night that adorns the entrance to this care village in the Sierra de Albarracín. It has masonry walls and blocks of sandstone, a ship and a triumphal arch in the interior. It has a portico with Tuscan columns that hold the feet architrave topped wooden shoe-shaped corners.
Siguiendo las activaciones de nuestra compañera Raquel, el pasado día 04/01/2016, para comenzar bién el año, se realizó la siguiente actividad: ETE-317 Ermita Sta. Magdalena Diploma Ermitas de España, MVTE-0362 Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España D.M.E. 44235 Tramacastilla-Teruel, se trabajó únicamente en 40 metros ssb, en esta ocasión estuvo en compañía de EA5TW Alfonso, se realizaron un total de 303 qso, señales muy fuertes de todas las estaciones, gracias a todos por vuestros comunicados 73 Dx Five By9 Dx Group Activations.
Following the activation of our colleague Rachel last day 01/04/2016, to start off the year, the following activity is performed. ETE 317–degree Ermita Sta Magdalena hermitages of Spain, 0362 MVTE–degree Monuments and Vestiges of Spain DME 44235 Tramacastilla-Teruel, worked only on 40 meters SSB, this time he was accompanied by EA5TW Alfonso, a total of 303 QSOs, very strong signals of all seasons, thanks to all for your press 73 Dx Five By9 Dx were made Group Activations.
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